Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Sermon of the Prophet in the month of Shaban seconds

Sermon of the Prophet in the month of Shaban seconds

O people, months glorious and blessed yan come to see you. A month in which there is a night better than a thousand Yag month. God ordained fasting month in it as an obligation and qiyamulail in it as kesunahan.
Whoever draw closer to God with one pebuatan good in it, he is like a man who did a liability in another. Whoever commits an obligation in the month of Ramadan, he together with the people who do the seventy obligations at any other month.
Ramadan is the month of patience while the reward of patience is Paradise. He months generosity (social) and month increased provision of the believer.
Whoever giving out food to a fasting person breaking this month, it means forgiveness for his sins and his release from hell, plus he gets a reward similar to the fasting person without the slightest decrease.
The Companions asked, 'Messenger of Allah, do not all have iftar for other people who are fasting? He replied. '' Allah gives this reward to anyone who gives open unto kyrma, or a sip of water, or the breath of milk.
Is months permulaanya is grace, pertengahannya is forgiveness, and the end is the liberation of hell.
Barngsiapa provide a lighter load to budaknyapada this month, God offers forgiveness to him and free him from hell.
In this multiply by you four cases: two cases you can bring pleasure of Tuhamnu and two cases again your own need. Two cases that you can mnedatangkan Tuhanmua contentment is the creed, there is no god but Allah and to Him for forgiveness (istigfar). The two cases that it is begging you yourself need refuge from heaven and hell.
'' whosoever shall give to drink to the person who is fasting, God will give to drink from the lake Surgaku that will not merasaka thirsty again afterwards so that he go to heaven. '"(Reported by Ibn Khuzaimah).
'' In the month of Ramadan, my people were given five things which are not given to any Prophet before. That is, when it comes the start of Ramadan, Allah Almighty to see them:
1. Anyone seen by God, he will not have doom forever.
2. Bad breath them in the afternoon (when fasting) is more fragrant in the sight of Allah than the scent of musk.
3. The angels pleaded for them day and night.
4. Allah Almighty has called heaven, he said to paradise, '' Get ready and berhiaslah for My servants. is near the time (My servants) the rest of the world towards rumh distress and rahmatKu. ''
5. Biala Yeah arrived late in the evening (Ramadan) God forgive them all. '' A friend bertnya, '' Whether it is the purpose of Laylat al-Qadr (Night Greatness)? He replied, Other! Have you not seen the egawai (workers). Is not if it has completed its work, they perfected his salary (a bonus, severance pay). '' (Bayhaqi).

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