Minggu, 21 Desember 2014


Sunday 11 May 2014
Seconds walking, running hours, day after day that change makes life less and less time each time.
Hovering mind fly, against the time that passed forget carve picture should engrave on paper life, forget the kelakuaan which should in lakuakn so terrible, terrible as activity-that without development.
Passing the time with activities that are less meaningful, it must be done the evaluation, encouraging self-evaluation.
Start the day with merencanakn what is done. What benefits and losses inflicted on the can that man is not the person in rencakan be people fail, but fail terakadang merrencanakan, making daily activities meaningless.
Please stop here fail to plan activities that lead to foolish in doing, increase adherence and trying to maximize the strength of which is owned, think about what is in lakuakan.
Rise up and forward with determination and blazing embers, fire fight that must be carried anywhere without mngenal desperate or negligent with beauty looks, take a lesson from science lessons, the beauty that you see in this mortal world and not forever.
There will be a lasting kebahagiaanyang there, in the hereafter that God has in store, like bad later determined at this time, how can you use this short time to do anything that God is pleased and love.
More doing good is a must before that time did not want to accompany us, age is no longer willing to accompany us.
Little by little will be hills, istiqomahlah in doing a practice that has been done in every day and increase that can be improved, continue to learn every day without mngenal tired tired even though mmemang take time to beristirahata moment but quickly returned to fight this time.
The real joy is when the time which is owned can be used fatherly spread the benefits to others, no matter by whatever can treasure, mind, or energy which is owned.
Life is painful indeed, it is because of this pain as a test arena sd child who receives a test to study the lebihb higher, smp. We will also take the exam to improve our degrees on the side of Allah.

// // A little series of words
Water flows to flow from high to low
Human height with humility
Strong man with exams at face it
There is no ivory that is not cracked
There is no test that selamnaya
There will be late in the travel
All can take the lesson
Today could be sad
Tomorrow could laugh
A Colorful life
There ibrah in it

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