Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

6 orders

The content Q.S Al Mujammil paragraph 1 s.d 10

6 basic commands should be run by the Prophet and the Muslims
1. Command tahajud prayer, (Sura 73; 2-3), (Sura 17; 79)
'' Indeed, on every night there was a time accepted, whosoever of His servants that Muslims invoke the goodness right in that moment, shall be in the grant by Allah (Muslim).

2. Reading the Qur'an with tartil, (Sura 73: 4)
God said, '' and read the Qur'an it slowly ... ''
From Ibn Mas'ud: when liver disease override bring your heart to visit three places, namely:
ü To a person who reads the Quran, you read the Qur'an or hear you fine people who read it.
ü Go to the majlis taklim which reminds heart to Allah, or
ü Find a time and place that is quiet and there you berkholwat worship God, for example in the middle of the night when selsai working night prayer, ask that in the given heart because your heart is no longer yours.
3. Recitation, (Q.S 73; 8)
God says, "Call it the name of your Lord with great diligence ..."
Ibn Qoyim said: "A believer who engage in meditation and dhikr will open the door for him to be able bersepi-lonely solitude in a quiet area of the sound and movement. Everything gives strength ideals and frustrating, cracked heart, then also opened the door for him pleasure in worship that is never mengenyangkannnya. He gets no pleasure felt by someone who was enjoying his desires. If someone has already mastered this feeling he will not have time to remember the pleasures of the world and everything in it. He is in his world while another human being in another world ".
4. Tawakal, (Q.S 73; 9)
Allah says: "He is the Lord of the East and the Maghreb, there is no god but He then Take him as a protector ...".
People who trust it instead of someone who is passive and indifferent but he did gerak.tawakal make people become nimble, agile and energetic. Trust is a surrender that gave birth dinamiuka and motion.
5. Patience, (Q.S 73; 10)
Allah says: "And thou have patience against what they say ...".
That where the patient was able to gather in three categories,,
ü Patience in obedience, which encourages us always constancy in worship to Allah under any circumstances even in a state that is sad though
ü Patience in away from disobedience, even though it was a pleasant way disobedience our feelings, we must strive weeks to stay away because it would be bad for ourselves
ü Tolerance in the face of disaster, sometimes events that we experience we do not want, the reality that we expect not match the reality is actually happening here is where we are in demand for the patient to deal with, no keadian vain hikamah sure there will be good for us , there must be ibrah (lessons) contained therein.
6. Hijra, (Q.S 73; 10)
Allah says, "And stay away from them in a good way ..."
Benediction be a patient man
Hijra can be interpreted move, as the Prophet did that at that time from Mecca to Medina berhirah,, but we do differently to move us at the recommended emigrated with us improve ourselves ultimately change the bad habits that are often done into better habits, as jiak previous example is not a full prayer 5 times then start today trying to be 5 times, we previously berusalah lazy to learn the more diligent to learn, if we work less well before then change for the better over the discipline of trying to do the job on time and many again ..

Wallohualam bishawab ....

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Beberapa Nasihat

Beberapa Nasihat
Engkau takkan pernah memiliki perasaan
Hingga kau coba untuk mengasihi sesama
Engkau takkan mendapat apapun
Kecuali engkau memberi sesuatu
Engkau takkan pernah mengerti makna kehidupan
Sampai kau kenali dirimu sendiri
Engkau takkan bersyukur
Sebelum engkau menolong seseorang
Keimananmu mulai tumbuh
Ketika engkau mulai menggunakan akalmu
Engkau takkan pernah sukses
Jika engkau tak pernah berani mencoba
Engkau adalah manusia merdeka
Ketika engkau hanya bergantung kepada-Nya